首頁 / 退貨及退款政策
退貨及換貨服務 Product Refund and Exchange Service 條款及細則: Terms and Conditions: 1.)本店售賣全新正貨樂高及TOMICA產品,所有樂高缺件均可直接找回香港樂高補回。 Our shop sells brand new genuine Lego and TOMICA goods; all indeed items short of the promised quantity can be directly contacted by our hotline to make up for the difference in the next delivery. 2.)所有寄送有機會因碰撞導致損盒,買家購買前必須留意。 All shipments have the opportunity to damage the box due to collision; customers must pay attention before buying. 3.)所有寄件會加以外箱作為保護。 All shipments will be boxed for protection. 4.)所有貨品如需換貨只可更換相同價值或高於原有貨品的價值。 Any returned item can only be exchanged for items of the same, or higher value and customer is liable to pay the difference for a higher valued item. 5.)所有貨品一經拆盒或受損或特價品將不設退換。 Merchandise should remain unopened. Opened items, damaged items or discounted items are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. 6.)所有訂單需於下單後3天內付款訂單才能成立。 Orders are typically dispatched within 1-3 business days of the order being placed. 7.)貨品沒貨情況下,本店有權直接取消訂單及退款。 If any of your chosen items are found to be out of stock after your order has been confirmed, we will contact you directly regarding delivery or refund arrangements.